There is no such thing as overtime in nursing profession, says Javad Tavakoli, a healthcare professional, because nursing overtime means working a second shift in the same hospital instead of hiring an additional nurse, but with a fixed salary.
In the early days of this week, nurses in various provinces held protest gatherings. Javad Tavakoli, a healthcare professional, in connection with the demands of these protests, says today you cannot find any responsible official or organization that claims the demands of nurses are not legitimate. Nurses have exhausted all possible avenues and have said everything that needs to be said before.
In a place where, in addition to a 20% salary increase, a total of 66% tariff is approved for a specific group, and another group, despite having heavy work responsibilities and pressure, receives an hourly salary of 16 to 20 thousand tomans and a tariff of 100 to 500 thousand tomans with various conditions and restrictions, one can see the depth of the discrimination disaster.
According to Tavakoli, there is no such thing as overtime in nursing, as it is customary in offices, because nursing overtime means working a second shift in the same hospital instead of hiring another nurse. The nurse who is not hired works two shifts but receives the salary of one nurse.