Attempted self-immolation by a Baloch student’s father for not enrolling his child
The news outlet Halvash, which covers news related to the Sistan and Baluchestan province, reported on the attempted self-immolation by a Baloch student’s father at the Department of Education in Sistan and Baluchestan province.
According to Halvash, this father’s attempted self-immolation occurred on Tuesday, September 20, after multiple visits to a school in Mehrshahr, Zahedan, to enroll his child, and repeated refusals without reason by the school’s administrators.
In its report, Halvash mentioned that the father’s request to meet with the head of the provincial Department of Education was also denied, and wrote that on Tuesday morning, he went to the provincial Department of Education building, poured gasoline on himself intending to set himself on fire, but the quick actions of those present prevented this attempt.
Halvash has previously reported instances of Baloch students not being enrolled in schools.