A refugee-carrying ship sank off the coast of Italy
Following the sinking of a ship on the southern coast of Italy and some reports suggesting the presence of some of our country’s nationals on board, the Deputy Consul of the Parliament and Iranians at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the embassy to urgently address the situation of Iranians who may have been on this ship.
The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Italy also inquired about the matter from local officials and authorities despite the weekend holidays.
The Director-General of Consular Affairs of our country also requested the Italian government to urgently address the situation of the survivors and possible injured Iranians in a telephone call with the Ambassador of Italy in Tehran.
Following the sinking of a refugee-carrying ship off the eastern coast of Italy, at least 45 people have lost their lives.
Reuters reported that there were over 100 refugees on board, ranging from 140 to 150, but the identities and nationalities of the victims are still unclear. According to this report, 45 people lost their lives in this incident and 81 people were rescued.