A young Baloch man has been sentenced to death.
The Halvesh media group has reported the issuance of a death sentence for Baloch citizen Kambez Kharot, a resident of Zahedan.
This 21-year-old Baloch youth has been sentenced to death on charges of disturbance and rioting through armed rebellion and corruption on earth.
According to Halvesh, Kambez Kharot was subjected to severe torture in the intelligence detention center and was not allowed to choose his own lawyer. He is currently held in Ward 9 of Zahedan Central Prison under restricted conditions of no phone calls or visits.
The report states that Kambez has firmly denied all the charges against him in court, but Zahedan’s prosecutor, Mr. Shams Abadi, has requested a death sentence for him, and the judge has not paid attention to Kambez’s defenses.
Halvesh also stated that after the notification of Kambez’s death sentence, they have been given a 20-day opportunity to file an objection. According to this media outlet, previously, Shoaib Mirbalochzehi, an 18-year-old Baloch teenager, and Mansour Dahmardeh, were also sentenced to death as detainees in the Zahedan protests.