Alamolhoda’s Reaction to the Rising Car Prices: Could It Be a Conspiracy by Infiltrators?
Ahmad Alamolhoda, the Friday prayer leader of Mashhad and a member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts, criticized the price hikes during the Friday prayers, suggesting it might be a conspiracy.
According to Tasnim, in today’s Friday prayer sermon on November 22, he pointed out the people’s situation amidst the relentless onslaught of price hikes, questioning whether it could be a conspiracy. He wondered if some infiltrators are trying to exhaust and frustrate the people, making them resent the system and the country. He urged all institutions of the Islamic Republic to investigate where these unreasonable and unregulated price hikes are coming from.
He criticized the official price surge of Iranian cars, saying that people go to bed and wake up to find that two car manufacturers have disrupted the entire economic balance and system of the country by raising car prices, allowing a few to reap significant economic benefits. He questioned whether there could be anything worse for the country’s economy than everyone watching without anyone questioning why. When they attempt to justify the price hikes, none of the reasons are provable, especially why they increased car prices by 35%.