The consumption of barley malt has halved in the last 10 years, according to the Association of Barley Malt Producers

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The consumption of barley malt has halved in the last 10 years, according to the Association of Barley Malt Producers

The Association of Barley Malt Producers has stated that the consumption of barley malt has halved in the past 10 years.

The Secretary of the Association of Barley Malt and Malt Producers in Iran said that in the past decade, we used to produce 700 to 750 million liters per year, but now it has almost halved. The demand has also decreased to the same extent, and one of the main reasons is household economy.

Hamidreza Kamalalavi commented on the market situation of the barley malt beverage in the country, stating that we have only had one price increase in the current year because companies have always tried to lower the final price and consider the consumer. Unfortunately, the price of raw materials is increasing day by day.

He added that the consumption of barley malt is being eliminated from the household basket. In the past few years, due to the economic conditions of households, we have seen a decrease in consumption, but companies have tried not to reduce the production volume.

The Secretary of the Association of Barley Malt and Malt Producers in Iran said that currently a small portion of the produced barley malt is exported, while the rest is consumed domestically.

He mentioned that the production volume is between 400 to 450 million liters per year, and the per capita consumption per year is around 4 to 5 liters.


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