Azari Jahromi: The expansion of Islam was not through force and sword, following the tradition of the prophets.
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the Minister of Communications of the twelfth government, wrote on his Telegram channel that once a servant of God went to a clinic to receive a penicillin injection. The nurse asked the person injecting, ‘Have you ever been injected with penicillin before?’ The patient replied ‘Yes.’ After the injection, the patient had a seizure. Medical measures were quickly taken to improve the situation. When the patient recovered, the nurse asked, ‘Didn’t you say you had been injected with penicillin before?’ The patient replied, ‘Yes, the same thing happened the last time I was injected.’
Hijab is a decree from God, but it may not have a higher status than monotheism. God instructed Moses to speak kindly when inviting people to monotheism. As far as I know, the spread of Islam through force and sword was not the tradition of the noble Prophet of Islam and our leader, Ali. There are numerous reports of leniency from Ali towards Muslims in history, except for financial violations by some agents in implementing divine laws.