Burial of Ibrahim Riggi in Zahedan
Ibrahim Riggi, a 24-year-old Baloch citizen who lost his life after being arrested at Zahedan Police Station 12, was buried on Friday afternoon. The Twitter account Halvesh tweeted that his body, which had many signs of beatings, injuries, and bruises, was buried in the Mohammad Rasoul Allah cemetery.
Halvesh also shared a picture of protesters with a placard that read, ‘They killed Mahsa Nikahd and Khodanur.’ They regret that they have become the seed of these killings.
Local sources report the continuation of heavy security measures in Zahedan. Despite the siege of the Mecca Mosque, the presence of military and security forces in the city, and the deployment of snipers on rooftops, the Friday prayer of the 5th of Esfand was held, and people once again took to the streets.