Government breaks 80-year inflation record
The Homayeh newspaper reported that one year has passed since the issuance of 10 inflation control directives by the government, and now the release of the inflation list by the Central Bank shows that the thirteenth government has not only failed in controlling inflation but has also broken the 80-year inflation rate record, reaching over 52 percent. According to the report, President Raeisi’s government has set an unprecedented record from 1322 until now. The newspaper mentioned that the previous inflation record was held by Hashemi Rafsanjani’s government with 494 percent. The only common factor between Rafsanjani’s era and the inflation in 1321 and 1322 was the post-war conditions. The consequences of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, World War II, and the occupation of Iran by the Allied forces have had a significant impact. Homayeh also referred to this issue. The statistics presented are derived from the Central Bank’s announcement table, illustrating the record-breaking figures. The Central Bank’s table is based on the 1395 base year, which has now changed to 1400. According to this, governments emphasize that the inflation rate is less than 52 percent.