Erdoğan’s reaction to his opponents’ victory: ‘I have four years to make amends for mistakes.’
Erdoğan’s party suffered defeat to the People’s Party in Turkey’s municipal elections.
The People’s Party won more than 37% of the municipal votes, surpassing the ruling party which had secured 36%, becoming Turkey’s top party for the first time in about 50 years.
Erdoğan, in accepting the defeat, stated, ‘We have received the message of the people from the ballot boxes. We will evaluate the election results and bravely follow criticism.’
He mentioned that until the next presidential election in 2028, we have four years remaining, and during this period, we will strive to rectify our mistakes.
Furthermore, the Refah Party, led by Fatih Erbakan, managed to secure 6% of the votes and assert itself as the third party in these elections.