A former member of parliament says restricting today’s technology is not possible at all.
Mehrdad Lahooti, a former member of parliament, in an interview with ILNA, in response to the question that parts of the plan to protect cyberspace were approved by the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, considering that this plan did not reach a conclusion in parliament, what is your analysis of this event, said:
The issue of the protection plan was raised many times in parliament, and we are also bewildered by this story today because the committee responsible for this issue was the parliament’s Cultural Commission, and ultimately, parliament was the best decision-maker regarding the protection plan. Parliament means the representatives of the people, and the people themselves should decide about it. But the fact that part of it was approved and implemented, in my opinion, was not right because its legal process is in parliament, and if something is supposed to happen, it should occur in the house of the nation.
My personal belief is that restricting today’s technology is not possible at all because today, science and technology are advancing, and we should look at our past experiences as lessons and use them.