Former members of the parliament do not consider the new generation to be part of the revolution and the Islamic Republic system.
Abuzar Nadimi, advisor to Nobakht in the twelfth presidency, said the country’s situation is so bad that none of the former officials want to return to the political scene. The question former officials ask is, even if we participate in the elections, how can we solve the problems? Ultimately, I should also say that in future elections, we will witness a lack of public interest in the candidates.
The former parliament member added that the government has reached an age where it can be criticized because it has done everything it was supposed to do. One issue I have always wanted to mention is that positivity is exclusive to God and the Imams, and nothing else. No being in the universe is absolutely good, and adopting this approach will only lead to failure for the gentlemen because all humans, except the infallibles, have faults and mistakes, and they cannot be idolized.
The political analyst emphasized that society has matured, and the government cannot silence the people with slogans and rhetoric, whether we like it or not. The new generation is not loyal to our beliefs and those of the past. The new generation does not see themselves as part of the revolution and the Islamic Republic system.