The head of the Cultural Commission of the Parliament signed the budget bill of the hijab law.
The head of the Cultural Commission of the Parliament stated that regarding the hijab and chastity bill, we are imposing a budget on the government without the government accepting it. Ultimately, Mr. Raeesi accepted it, signed it, and handed it over, ready to go to the final stage.
Mr. Tehrani, the head of the Cultural Commission of the Parliament, in response to the question of where the hijab and chastity bill, which was accompanied by criticisms of the performance of Mr. Qalibaf, the head of the Parliament, ended up, said that the criticisms of the hijab and chastity bill were almost resolved and it was sent to the Guardian Council. There were ambiguities raised there as well, with the most serious issue related to Article 75, which means imposing budgets on the government without its acceptance. In the end, Mr. Raeesi accepted it, signed it, and handed it over, ready to go to the final stage.