Hossein Taeb is an enemy of the internet, so we have to restrict it.
The advisor to the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards and the former head of the Intelligence Organization of this military institution said about the continuation of blocking access of users inside Iran to foreign messengers and social networks that today our arsenal is the media and it is the enemy’s hand.
Hossein Taeb stated that today we no longer have aerial and missile bombardment, and instead, a combined war is taking place. He added that the internet is the enemy’s hand, so we have to restrict it so that the enemy does not succeed in the combined war.
In a speech at AmirKabir University of Technology in Tehran on Monday afternoon, he also attributed the support of celebrities for popular protests to the combined war and claimed that in the combined war, bring a celebrity and make sure their fans get excited and create violence.
Taeb continued, we must make people recognize the true face of these individuals, and in this case, their followers will decline.