Hossein Shariatmadari believes that doctors should not be used by those who sparked the 88 sedition.
In a note in Kayhan, Hossein Shariatmadari wrote that the expectation from esteemed doctors as the chosen representatives of the people for the presidency of our country is that they should not use individuals who have a certain perspective on the revolution and the system in selecting their government members, companions, and colleagues. The headline of Kayhan today is about this issue, and in a short note, we have only addressed one example of such behaviors. If some unsavory individuals with a certain perspective had not set up camp around him, it would not have been necessary to write this now. Just read this as an example.
Mr. Pezeshkian is among those who, with the dictated formula of George Soros and after meetings with agents of enemy intelligence services, triggered the American-Israeli sedition of 88. The slogan ‘Neither Gaza nor Lebanon’ in the 88 sedition was voiced by the same group, a slogan that had been proposed to the leaders and associates of the sedition by the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s Persian-language website during those days.
Doctors from this group with that background should not expect your revolutionary, Islamic, and anti-oppressive messages to be censored and not be angry about sending them.
Supporters of the Islamic Republic call the people’s protests in ۸۸ sedition.