We are seeking cultural promotion in the field of hijab.
The Deputy for Women and Family Affairs of the President stated regarding the actions of the Deputy for Women’s Affairs on hijab and chastity that we are not involved in executive work in the field of hijab, but we are pursuing cultural promotion.
On Thursday, 5th of Ordibehesht 1403, Anisieh Khazali, the Deputy for Women and Family Affairs of the President, in the sidelines of the Cabinet meeting among journalists, talked about the actions of the Deputy for Women’s Affairs on hijab and chastity, saying that practically we cannot get involved in implementation, but we are striving for cultural promotion.
Khazali pointed out that one of the activities carried out last year in this regard by the Deputy for Women’s Affairs of the Presidency was providing modesty-based education to trainers so that they could conduct exemplary and workshop programs for parents. This was implemented in five provinces, and workshop programs will be held in Mashhad for another 10 provinces.