The Jordanian Foreign Minister says we cannot be restricted to what Netanyahu wants.
The Jordanian Foreign Minister says the situation in the region is highly dangerous, and the risk of the region being drawn into prolonged conflicts is real. He states that the first step to reduce tension and end attacks on Gaza, ultimately leading to an end to occupation and a two-state solution.
Ayman Safadi, the Jordanian Foreign Minister, told Sianan news network that we are in a dangerous situation in the region, especially after the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran. It is clear that tensions have escalated. The point is that the region cannot tolerate another conflict or destruction, and we must stop this escalation of tension.
In conclusion, the Jordanian Foreign Minister emphasized to Sianan news network that either we take action that everyone agrees is right, which is a sustainable and immediate ceasefire, and then work with everyone to ensure that what happened on October 7th will not happen again. Our view is that everything can start with stopping the conflict and engaging in negotiations. This will lead to an end to occupation and a two-state solution. We cannot accept or allow ourselves to be limited to what Netanyahu desires.