Karbaschi discusses whether we have a shortage of green spaces or a shortage of religious spaces in Qeytarieh Park by building a mosque there.
Gholamhossein Karbaschi emphasizes the need to investigate and declare the amount of religious spaces in Tehran, how many of them are active and in use, compared to the amount of green spaces in Tehran considering air pollution. In May last year, the deputy of the Mosque Affairs Center of Tehran province mentioned that a thousand mosques in Tehran are inactive. Half of the mosques in the country do not even have an Imam. He also stated that in Tehran province, out of 3500 mosques, a thousand mosques are inactive for various reasons throughout the year.
According to the former mayor of Tehran, a park’s space belongs to the people of that area. Turning a part of it into an unrelated place raises many ambiguities and raises the question of whether the locals are satisfied with this decision or not.