The same right that laid the foundation of the people’s revolution in 1357 and is enshrined in the current constitution is also guaranteed for future generations. This right allows them to reassess fundamental principles if the decisions of the past have led to blind knots in society or served as tools for power-seekers. It enables them to navigate through crises, open the path towards freedom, justice, democracy, and development, and seek to preserve public security and prevent violence by either changing the existing order or drafting a new social contract. This social contract should be prepared by elected representatives of all ethnicities, political orientations, and beliefs and be approved by the nation through a free referendum.
Resolving the ambiguities of this proposal requires reflection and collaboration to save Iran, the mother who has lost her child named happiness. With bright, shining eyes and long, flowing hair, she is waiting for anyone who seeks a sign from her. Let this news be our sign, as we stand united from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea.