Mohammad Khatami, the society is facing difficulties in terms of livelihood and hope for a good life.
The head of the reformist government, in a meeting with a group of university students, said that after the revolution, the formation of associations has not been officially or legally prohibited, but practically effective associations have not been formed.
The society is facing major challenges in terms of livelihood, hope for a good life, and having an acceptable living environment.
To solve these problems, we must take proactive steps and even bear the costs.
What has actually happened is that Islamic associations, unfortunately, have faced restrictions for many of them, and if their authority is disliked, they have been closed down or faced significant limitations and pressures.
In any case, Islamic associations do not take the place of guilds. If we want a civil society and democracy, above all, guilds must be recognized. In a situation where we do not have a real meaning of guilds and syndicates, a real and widespread party will not emerge or will not have the necessary effectiveness.
In a free and democratic society, all sectors of society must have their true representatives to defend their rights and participate in the fate of the society.
Your association must defend the rights and dignity of all professors and even students with different orientations. If they face problems and difficulties, they should be recognized and steps should be taken to address them, even at the cost of bearing the expenses.
If rights are violated and unjust behaviors occur, the Islamic association should respond to them in a civil manner.
Engage in logical confrontation with those who seek to overthrow the Islamic Republic, and if the rulers deviate from or violate the principles of republicanism and Islam, express your objections and even seek ways to bring them back in line with the principles of the Islamic Republic and strive for their realization.