Pezhman Jamshidi: I swear on my honor, as long as I breathe, I will stand by my people.
In an Instagram post, Pezhman Jamshidi expressed his support for the people. He wrote: I have withdrawn from social media activities for several years now, for reasons that are at least respectable to myself. But one of the main reasons was that I didn’t want to be with the people through this medium. I feel like I can’t be my true self here. However, in the past few days, I felt that this absence might be interpreted differently.
I decided to write a text and declare for the last time that I swear on my mother’s soul and my honor, as long as I breathe, I will stand by my people. No one is as indebted to the people as I am. How can one not be saddened by recent events? How can one not be angry and depressed by the name of Mahsa Amini, who could have been the sister of all of us? If I am not saying anything or being active in this space, it’s because I am tired, hopeless, and all the little remaining joys in my heart have turned into despair and depression. These are hard days and moments. I swear on the life of each and every dear person of my country that nothing in life has any value to me, let alone turning my back on my people out of fear of unemployment or similar reasons. Everything I have is because of you.
Pezhman Jamshidi