Rough encounter of security with students
Since last week, with the start of the ‘Noor’ plan, which is reminiscent of the previous Ershad patrols, the strictness related to hijab in universities has increased. The continuous warnings that students believe have become annoying. When they step on campus, feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, humiliation, inadequacy, insecurity, and guilt are all experiences they express.
For example, Zeynab, one of the students of the Management Faculty, says a security guard looks at me very painfully, while in my opinion, I have never been unveiled.
Yeganeh also has a common experience. She is a master’s student and says that having a man inspect me from head to toe every day gives me a bad feeling. Many times when I go to university, my friends or other students do not notice my clothing and appearance, while the male security guard judges my clothing in 5 seconds.
Mina is a graduate student. She says that going to university causes her a lot of anxiety. Many days when she wants to go to university, alongside academic concerns, this issue preoccupies her mind. She is worried about what kind of attire she should have to be both safe from the security and feel a sense of freedom in her clothing. Sometimes she thinks about adjusting her attire in a way that after passing the university security, she can change her clothing in the faculty restroom as she desires.
Other students also had similar opinions. They believe it is very pointless to adhere to the security’s opinion about our attire at the university entrance. But when we enter the university, we become like what we ourselves like, even though at those times, the anxiety of someone might find fault with us is in our minds.