Shakila Monfared went on a hunger strike
Mohammad Moghimi, the attorney, reported on his Twitter that his client Shakila Monfared has been on a hunger strike for five days in Qarchak prison.
Her blood pressure has dropped to 6, and she is refusing to receive IV fluids.
According to Moghimi, the prison authorities are refusing to send Shakila Monfared to the infirmary.
Shakila Monfared, a civil activist, was arrested in September 2020 and was exiled from Evin prison to Qarchak Varamin prison in May 2021. She has been sentenced to four years and two months in prison on charges of propaganda against the regime and insulting sacred values.
Last February, Shakila Monfared stated in an audio file that she does not have personal safety in Qarchak Varamin prison and that the prison authorities are colluding with inmates she describes as dangerous and hired.
She said that she has been threatened with murder by several people in this prison and has informed the prison authorities about it, but they have taken no action regarding this matter.