The spokesperson of the Guardian Council stated that there is no punishment for not voting in the elections.
The spokesperson of the Guardian Council said that the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the will of the people and it is an honor that over the past 45 years, on average, an election has been held every year.
In response to a question about free elections, he mentioned that based on legal criteria, free elections are competitive elections with a diversity of approaches. It seems that all the components of free elections are present in the elections of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and unlike some countries, voting is not mandatory in our country and there is no punishment for not voting.
Regarding another question about voting by Iranians abroad in the elections on February 11, the official mentioned that voting for the presidential elections takes place outside the country, but for the parliamentary elections, as they are held regionally, the possibility of voting for Iranians abroad is not available.