The Judiciary spokesperson stated that no one has been arrested in the case of Ismail Haniyeh.
The Judiciary spokesperson mentioned that the Islamic Republic system will utilize all internal and international capacities to respond to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. It was announced that a case has been opened in the Judiciary of the Armed Forces, and so far, no arrests have been made in connection with this case.
He continued that immediately after the incident, under the order of the head of the Judiciary of the Armed Forces, this matter was put on the agenda, and the legal case was initiated, and investigations began. The military prosecutor and the military prosecutor of Tehran went to the scene of the incident, collecting documents that will be disclosed upon completion.
The Judiciary spokesperson further clarified that there are currently rumors and speculations in newspapers and social media about arrests, but no arrests have been made in connection with this case to date, and the rumors are false.