The new secretary of the Public Culture Council has no resume or background.
Rumors suggest that Mr. Eqtesad has announced that Atefeh Khademi, the social advisor to the Minister of Culture, will be introduced as the secretary of the Public Culture Council in the coming days. The current secretary of the Public Culture Council, Seyyed Majid Emami, will also be sent to Europe as the cultural liaison.
Khademi’s resume does not show any significant experience except for her participation in the Unity List in the 98 parliamentary elections. Furthermore, some of her past Twitter positions indicate a low level of intellectual thinking.
In the past, renowned university professors from institutions such as the University of Tehran and experienced individuals were present in the Public Culture Council. However, today, some critics describe Atefeh Khademi’s resume solely based on her connections and presence within the circle of the Minister of Culture, from the Center for the Islamic Revolution Documents to the Ministry of Culture.