Water supply to the federations in the Azadi Sports Complex has been cut off.
Federations located in the eastern side of the Azadi Sports Complex are facing water shortage. It was previously announced that the water cut issue had been resolved, but the federations are still without water.
The technical deputy of the Azadi Stadium told ISNA that the water cut started on April 2nd. We fixed the pump well issue on April 5th, but unfortunately, it broke down again, causing problems for the federations.
Federations that have set up their training camps are facing more difficulties, including the Turkmenistan Federation, which now receives water supply through tankers and refilling water tanks.
The pumps and water transfer system of the Azadi Sports Complex, like other infrastructures of this stadium, which have aged over half a century, are worn out. The promises of maintenance and renovation that began in the 2000s are still in place.