Welcome to the most valuable and impossible election battle in the world

Alireza Sarfarazi
4 Min Read
Welcome to the most valuable and impossible election battle in the world

Welcome to the most valuable and impossible electoral battle in the world.

In recent decades, two states in the American electoral competitions have always had high value.

One of them is Ohio, which once had high electoral votes and gradually, with the decline in economic prosperity of the state, the migration of factories and businesses, especially to countries like China, and the decline of its important industries, its population decreased, and as a result, its electoral votes in the elections decreased.

Nevertheless, Ohio is a pivot that connects various states intellectually and socially.

A state with cultural and social characteristics where now Trump and Republicans have significant power. A detailed discussion about Ohio must be held in the future, but Florida has a different story.

The ruby ring of the US election, with a growing population due to massive immigration, retirees, and business owners moving to this state, one of them being Donald Trump, now holds 30 electoral votes. This state has always been attractive, yet various trends such as the high influence of Republicans among Latin American immigrants from countries like Cuba and Venezuela, Evangelical penetration, and the importance of votes from elderly and retired individuals have caused Democrats to remain unsuccessful in this state in recent elections. Ron DeSantis’s significant victory in the recent gubernatorial race in this state has led many to believe that the fate of this state has been sealed, and many still believe that a Democratic comeback in this state is an impossible mission.

It should be emphasized that Florida alone requires equal election campaign costs as the total costs of several states, and its advertising media market needs a special task force with a structure that balances the entire campaign structure in all other states. Polls after Harris entered the race showed a particularly close distance between the two rivals, but it was not convincing enough for Democrats to mobilize forces. Now, a Suffolk University poll has arrived, showing Trump and Harris with a 47 to 42 percent gap, with Robert Kennedy also having 5 percent support. This is where the campaign model in Florida can draw Democrats into the field. Trump’s vote ceiling is reached, and this time his campaign will once again target a large group of Americans who usually do not vote and naturally have not registered for elections, and their impact is not reflected in the polls. The secret to Trump’s sudden increase in votes in 2020 was this group. Harris’s campaign also has plans for this segment of American society, and perhaps Florida could be a suitable ground for implementing this plan. Although it is not clear how much of this non-voting group can be found in Florida. Florida is the land of electoral dreams, and if Democrats enter the field in the remaining short time, it will mark an exciting period.

It is especially noteworthy that Senator Scott, a Republican who is defending his seat, is not far ahead of his opponent in the polls.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections