Where is the economic progress in Iran, why don’t we see it?
Mohammad Mayeli Kohan, the former head coach of the national football team of Iran, talked about the belief of some officials that there has been economic progress. He said, ‘Of course, progress should be evident in the people’s daily lives. Perhaps these individuals only see those around them and do not witness the wide range of people who do not have a good economic situation. If we do not look to the future, things will get worse. Until today, we have not had foresight.’
Regarding the situation of the two football clubs, Esteghlal and Persepolis, and the debate about their privatization, he said, ‘If they are privatized, what will happen? Currently, you can see that the contract situations are not bad, in fact, they are quite good. But many friends lament and say, ‘Oh, what a pity that they will be handed over to the private sector.’ You will see what will happen. Right now, when they are not private, the gentlemen say, ‘We don’t have money.’ Oh, the day they are privatized, at least now it will be easier to inject money into them.’
Regarding the extensive differences with Amir Ghalenoi and the question of when this dispute will end, he said, ‘From what perspective it ends, I do not hide the words I have said and stand by them.’