At least 40% of the country’s poultry farms are currently empty.
Shahin Makouei, the CEO of a company producing concentrate supplements and livestock and poultry feed, spoke to the news agency Bazaar about issues in this sector.
In regulatory bodies like the Veterinary Organization and the Ministry of Agriculture, the regulations are becoming increasingly stringent and cumbersome. In other words, the orientation of regulations in our country is not towards making work, especially in the production sector, simpler; rather, things are becoming more difficult and complex every day.
Overall, more than 80% of the materials used to produce our goods are foreign, and the rest are domestic.
Ultimately, the prices of our products also increase, so we cannot keep prices low. On the other hand, many poultry farmers’ purchasing power has diminished, such that it is said at least 40% of the country’s poultry farms are now empty and have reduced production.