The Homayoun newspaper states in today’s editorial that this government lacks an economic theory.
In today’s headline, the Homayoun newspaper asks Mr. Raeisi, ‘Did you forget that you used to mock the previous government for not being able to prevent the dollar from reaching 5000 tomans? Now that it has reached the current prices, what do you have to say? The price of gold, which used to follow the dollar’s new records, has also risen and reached over 500,000 tomans. And of course, you also tax salaries over 7 million tomans, equivalent to 14 kilograms of meat, in order to cover the government’s extra expenses. The current government lacks an economic theory and is repeating the worst actions of previous governments without being aware of their consequences. In this management, minimum scientific qualifications and expertise in managing the country’s economy are not seen. To prove this claim, it is enough for Mr. Raeisi to explain how they intend to control inflation and why they have remained silent when 10% of the national currency’s value has been lost in a short period of time. Why should anyone believe your claim? How do you intend to control it?