The US dollar reached its highest level in the past 262 days.
The price of each US dollar in the Tehran open market during Friday afternoon trading reached 54,250 tomans or 542,500 rials, which is the highest recorded rate in the past 262 days since April 13th.
Thursday’s currency market transactions in Tehran ended with the dollar rate of 53,200 tomans, which was 150 tomans lower than the trading rate during Friday afternoon.
At the same time, the price of the euro also increased by 1,150 tomans, reaching 59,050 tomans during Friday’s buying and selling transactions.
The free market rate of the US dollar in Tehran has increased by 4,400 tomans in the past 28 days, and the price of each euro has increased by 4,800 tomans.
The simultaneous increase in the global price of gold and the dollar rate in the Tehran market caused the price of each gold coin to increase by 165,000 tomans, reaching 32,510,000 tomans.
The price of each ounce of gold also increased by $7.21 during today’s transactions, reaching $2,012.12.